Please note: Menus translations are posted as they become available.
You must complete the Special Dietary Needs Form and email it to
The school meal programs provide nutritious meals to children during the school day. 为了服务健康, 为所有儿童提供优质膳食, we must ensure that we are financially secure. 您在这项工作中起着关键作用, and are responsible for purchases made by your child in their school cafeteria. 威尼斯官网在线 wants to ensure that you are notified when student cafeteria accounts are low or go into a negative balance. 每个人都要付出代价.
威尼斯官网在线 will make the following efforts to ensure that unpaid meal balances are addressed:
If your child's growing negative balance is concerning you, your child may be eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. 网上申请: My学校 or complete a Household Application for Free and Reduced-price Meals, 可从您孩子的学校获得.
Our dietitians focus on balancing many aspects of menu planning to provide healthy, 为我们的顾客提供美味的饭菜.These include regulations established by the United States Department of Agriculture, 食品安全, 成本, 准备, 存储, 季节性的可用性, 美国人健康指南, 捐赠政府食品.
也, we collaborate with manufacturers and develop specifications to provide foods that not only taste good, 而且脂肪和钠含量也很低.
New products are tested periodically with student groups. If results are positive, the products are introduced on menus for all students.
有时食物, 比如全谷物, 不是学生特别能接受的吗, but are we recognize them as highly beneficial and healthy. We will always try different ways to present the product, 相信, 随着时间的推移, students will become more accustomed to having these foods as a regular part of their diet.
威尼斯官网在线 menus are planned in cycles during the school year. Different menu items may be offered for a specific period of time and then replaced with new offerings later. This allows us to increase the variety of foods offered during the year.
We continue to promote and maintain a healthy school environment. We have updated guidelines for the sale of snack and beverage items through vending machines, 学校的商店, 体育部门, 和筹款活动. The Office of the Chief Operating Officer notifies schools of the 营养需求 for the sale of food sold to students from midnight until 30 minutes after the end of the instructional day.
A variety of à-la-carte items may be available in your student's school cafeteria. All items available for sale are in compliance with JPG-RA, 健康:身体和营养健康. 具体项目因学校而异.
Examples of items for sale: baked chips, crackers, and low-fat ice cream.
For specific information regarding items available at your child's school or to request that the purchase of à-la-carte items be restricted, please contact the school cafeteria manager.
碳酸饮料, 任何类型的糖果, and donuts are prohibited from sale to students, 不管他们的营养状况如何.
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